In the previous entry I shared 3 of the 6 Tips Before Traveling to Peru. If you’re just now joining in, then click here to find guidelines and links for vaccinations, packing light and dealing with high altitudes.
So here we go with tips 4, 5 and 6:
Earthquakes, Sunburns, and Mosquitoes.
But first! Let’s start with a pop quiz
* * * QUIZ TIME* * *

True or False It never rains in Lima.
[You’ll find the answer at the end of today’s blog.]
Peru Tip #4 Sun Protection
The Peruvian Sun Use to Warm, Now It Burns
That’s the gist of a common saying among inhabitants of the Peruvian altiplano as reported in this 2016 Newsweek article.
You don’t’ need me to tell you that if you’re gonna be outside, sunscreen, wide-brim hats, and long-sleeved shirts are always a good idea. (And don’t forget the sunglasses!)
However, sun protection is imperative when traveling in the southern climes, and especially when traveling in the higher altitudes of Peru.

There are several reasons for Peru’s high UV index level:
Continue reading “6 Tips Before Traveling to Peru Part 2”