Welcome Everyone!
Wow. It’s actually happening. I’m writing my first blog entry—ever.
I sit here on a (very) dreary spring day. The sky is grey, the rain steady, and my thoughts are wandering off to treks in other climes. Warmer, sunnier climes to be specific.
But then that is one of the points of travel, isn’t it? To give yourself real images and adventures to fill your daydreams? And most importantly, adventures where YOU are the main character.

Just after dawn, almost one year ago today my husband and I were standing in the Lima (Peru) airport searching the crowd for the gentleman that would drive us to our hotel. It was the beginning of almost 3 weeks of non-stop discovery and awe-inspiring vistas. But I’ll get back to that later.
A Blog to the Rescue
A few weeks after our return, and on a particularly balmy Virginia evening, we were relaxing on our back deck reminiscing about the trip. Specifically, I was bemoaning how I couldn’t control myself when I was asked how I liked Peru.
I’d start in on one fact or story and 10, 15 or even 20 minutes (and 5 stories later) I’d hear myself still talking. And it wasn’t just the Peru trip. Any trek I was planning or just returning from caused the same uncontrollable response on my part. There had to be a better way.
Then it dawned on me. Blogging might be the answer. I could serve up all the information, tips and photographs I wanted. Others could partake of the information in as small or large portions as they desired. Perfect!
(One of these days I’ll share with you why there was almost a year between that eureka moment and the posting of my first blog entry.)
A Little About Me
Just in case you haven’t visited my ABOUT ME page I want to take a moment to tell you a bit about myself. I am an American gal that has yearned to travel since, well, before the internet was cool (and we’ll just leave it at that).

I’ve dived with sea lions in La Paz, Baja Sur, and with sharks in the Caribbean; flown a hang-glider above the valleys of Puerto Rico; hiked along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, explored Dun Aengus on Inis Mor off the coast of the Republic of Ireland, and walked atop the Great Wall in China. (Just to name a few of my favorite past treks.)
Since I was quite young I’ve yearned to travel in order to experience places and people foreign to my norm. This desire can require months of research culminating in a multi-week, international trek, or it might manifest as a quickie weekend get-away to a neighboring state. It doesn’t matter–it all stimulates my curiosity.

Let me interject here that this will not be your average blog. I do not mean by this that it is going to be above average–or below average–it will just be different. Most bloggers make daily entries. That is a wonderful thing–if you can keep it up–but I know going into this that I cannot. Got too many irons in the fire for that–most importantly a full-time job that is not related to travel or the travel industry.
A Blog By Any Other Name. . .
My current plan is to create photos and take notes on my treks, then post one entry per week for each day of my trek–after I get back. Some might argue that such a description better defines a travelogue than a blog, but for now that’s the plan.
Along the way I will provide plenty of tips, lessons learned, and (hopefully) enticing photographs to help you follow in my footsteps so that you can make the same, great (if not better) trek.
Now, back to Peru. . .

So, how did I decide on Peru?
I can’t tell you exactly, except that I have dreamed of visiting there ever since I was a young girl. And how, while living deep in the Appalachian Mountains did a place so remote capture my imagination?
Who knows?!?
But whatever the original spark (and it certainly wasn’t the internet) I became enamored with all things native American to include Inca, Aztec…and Maya. However, the final itinerary of my Peruvian trek looked nothing like my childhood imaginings. (It was better.)
Well, that’s enough for now.
Until next time when the Peruvian adventure begins–this is A Curious Trekker signing off.
[If you haven’t already, check out my TRAVEL TIPS and learn a bit more ABOUT MY TRAVEL BLOG and MY PHOTOGRAPHY by clicking HERE.]