Being a Known Traveler
I’ve been traveling internationally since the 70s, but only in the last few years did I (finally) sign up as a Known Traveler and create an account with the State Department. (Read that THE State Department–not your state department). Part of the reason for this is that, well, I’m born and bred of Texas stock. And as much as I hate to admit it, there’s good bit of ‘the Man has no business in my business’ running through my veins.
But I’ve had a bit of a change of mind on that point. For that reason this page will contain links to and tips about:
- how do I make those airport security and service lines just a little less painful, and
- how will ‘the Man’ know where I am should something go very awry in the wacky world of global politics while I am abroad.
Photograph: Niagara Falls, Canada
State Department STEP Frequent Traveler Program
I have an account with the State Department’s STEP frequent traveler program and register every international trip. There is no cost, but there are many benefits. The State department will send you safety updates for the countries you designate and they’ll know where you are if unexpected trouble breaks out in a country you’re exploring.
Global Entry
Okay, so there is a bit of a cost to Global Entry ($100) , and if you don’t live near a major airport you’ll have to make an extra effort to get signed up. But as far as I’m concerned it has already paid for itself many times over.
After a long flight home there is nothing like bypassing the massively long re-entry lines and walking straight through customs with minimal hassle. PLUS for the $100 you not only gain a Global Entry card, but you also receive a TSA pre-check Known Traveler card and number. And who doesn’t love two-fers!?!
U.S. Department of State [Travel]
The U.S. Department of State Travel Website provides 1 stop shopping for all things international travel. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Travel Documents
- Visas (US Citizens & Foreign Citizens)
- Links to Trusted Traveler Programs, Consular Affairs, TravelGov, etc.
- Foreign Per Diem Rates (per diem=per day) This is a GREAT resource for creating a travel budget. Federal employees MUST stick to these rates when traveling–period! But you can use it as a great starting point for estimating the cost to eat and sleep in almost all countries around the globe.
- Tips for Preparing to Travel Abroad
- And MORE. . .
There is also for how to handle a wide variety of emergencies when traveling abroad. This includes everything from lost passports to child abductions, and from financial assistance to death of an American abroad.
If this page is where you started, then make sure you check out my blog at A CURIOUS TREKKER and then check out more travel tips at IN YOUR WALLET and BAG IT PLEASE. You can also learn a bit more about me from the HOME PAGE and in the ABOUT ME section.