I do not receive a fee or any sort of compensation or benefit for providing links to outside resources or Websites posted to this blog. Should that ever change—you will read it HERE first. I have found the resources referenced useful when preparing for various treks. However, they do not represent a finite list of options.
All photographs contained within are taken by me (unless otherwise noted). For that reason they are near and dear to my heart AND they are copyrighted. If any of the photographs speaks to you enough that you’d like a copy, then see the CONTACT tab for how to reach me. I’ll let you know if a photography is available for purchase.
Though I love to help you with research by providing links to outside sources, I am not responsible for the contents of any off-site pages that reference, or that are referenced by me or The Curious Trekker blog. If you come across defamatory, offensive, misleading or illegal conduct of third party sources, please notify me by using the CONACT form provided.
AND…it is important to compare information provided from as many different online sites as possible. Also research as many different types of resources as you can tolerate (speaking of books, lectures, and magazines here). In this way, you have the best chance of making the best decision for you–based on facts, and not on hype or purchased testimonials.
And most importantly. . .
Keep in mind that each of our travel situations, tolerances and travel requirements are unique. So take my recommendations as just that, recommendations–a starting point. They worked for me, but they may not work for you. Take away from these pages what you need, and leave the rest for the next visitor.
Photograph: Three Lion Fountain detail, Charleston, SC
If legalese is what really floats your boat, then read on McDuff. . .
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Phew! That’s it. You’re Done!