You know that bruised and exhausted feeling when you’ve learned a travel lesson the hard way? Or that feeling of exhilaration when you share a travel resource or a great work-around that saves on time and effort? Well, that’s what these pages are all about. Or to put it another way . . .
I’ll be the first to tell you that I don’t consider myself a seasoned traveler. But just because I haven’t been on the road for most of my adult life doesn’t mean I haven’t picked up a thing or two along the way.
PLUS, I’m great at research. The TRAVEL TIPS sub-pages share the benefits of my research, in addition to personal anecdotes and insights.
BAG IT PLEASE contains my experiences in the never-ending quest to find the perfect travel bag(s). I share my current favorites and links to great bag and baggage resources.
IN YOUR WALLET shares resources for choosing your perfect travel credit card. I also outline other items that you should consider carrying in your travel wallet.
TRAVEL KNOWN TRAVEL SAFE covers a variety of resources and programs designed to keep you informed, known, healthy, and safe while traveling aboard.
When you’re finished with browsing through the TRAVEL TIPS, visit my blog A CURIOUS TREKKER to join me in reminiscing about my most recent trek.
Moi with our pilot extraordinaire at the Maria Reiche Neuman Airport, Nazca, Ica Region, Peru. It was taken immediately following our flight over the Nazca lines. Can you tell I'm stoked?